Graph Information

Please note: this page is still under development

Options on many / all graphs

Invert Colours

Switches the colours on the graph to the opposite colours

Gray Scale (do not use on Firefox)

Makes all of the NZGrapher interface in greyscale


This adjusts the size of the graph. By default it fills the size of the graph area.

AutoFills the graph area completely
Auto - High ResFills the graph area completely, but the image is a high resolution image, which can be useful when printing published materials
Standard800px wide by 600px high
Short800px wide by 300px high
Small500px wide by 400px high

Colour Scale


Goes from Red through to Purple


Goes from Purple through to Yellow (Colourblind friendly)


This is the title that ends up on the top of the graph


This is the label that is shown next to the horizontal axis.


This is the label that is shown next to the vertical axis.

Colour Label

This is the label that is shown next to the colour key at the top of the graph.

Show ID of Removed Points

In the top right corner shows the ID of the points that have been removed as they didn't have valid data for graphing. This is on by default.


This slider allows you to set the transparency of the points on the graph.


This shows the info page about NZGrapher in the graph window (it's not really a graph).

Pairs Plot

This graph gives a quick overview of all the variables in the dataset. Note: it will not work if the first data point has any missing values.

Dot Plot (and Box and Whisker)

This graph draws dot plots and box and whisker graphs, as well as violin graphs, strip graphs, shape outline graphs and bee swarms.

Data Options

Numerical 1This is the variable that is plotted against the x-axis.
Category 1 (Optional)This is the variable that is used to split the data into different box plots that are plotted on the same axis.
Category 2 (Optional)This is the variable that splits the graph into multiple graphs side by side.
Colour By (Optional)This is the variable that the dots are coloured by.


Shows the summary statistics for each group including the mean, median, min, max, quartiles, standard deviation and number of points in the group.

Box Plots

Shows a box plot overlaid over the dot plot.

High Box Plot

Shows a box plot towards the top of the graph area to avoid as much as possible overlapping with the dots.

Hide Points

Hides the dots on the dot plot.

Shape Outline

Draws an overall outline of the shape of the data like this

Violin Graphs

Draws an overall outline of the shape of the data in a mirror image along the centre line.
The white dot is shown at the median of the data.
The box in the middle goes from the lower quartile to the upper quartile
The horizontal line in the middle goes from the minimum to the maximum excluding outliers (no more than 1.5 times the IQR less than the LQ / more than the UQ).

Bee Swarm

Arranges the points randomly above and below the centre line so they look like a swarm of bees

Strip Graph

Randomly puts the points within a vertical window, which makes the areas with more points look darker and less points look lighter.

Box (No Whisker)

Just plots the middle box of a box-and whisker graph

Box (No Outlier)

Plots a box and whisker graph that doesn't extend to the outliers (no more than 1.5 times the IQR less than the LQ / more than the UQ).


The MAD is the Mean Absolute Deviation which is a numerical summary that measures the variation of a numerical dataset.

MAD = SUM(distance between each data value and the mean) / (number of points). NZGrapher only does MAD about the mean, but it is also possible to do a MAD about a median.

More details on MAD and how it can be used in teaching can be found in Pip Arnold's book Statistical Investigations (page 311-312) or GAISE II (pages 58, 77-78) which includes how MAD can be used to introduce standard deviation.


Displays the Difference Between Medians (DBM) and the Overall Visual Spread (OVS) when there are two groups of data. 

This allows students to visually see if the DBM is more than

  • 1/3 of the OVS for samples of about 30
  • 1/5 of the OVS for samples around 100
  • 1/10 of the OVS for samples around 1000

As per the curriculum at Level 6. Read more on this at Census at School

DBM & OVS Numbers

Displays the numbers at each end the DBM and OVS lines.

½ ¾ Rule

This allows you to highlight either the bottom 1/2 and top 3/4 or the bottom 3/4 and the top 1/2 for each of the groups (when you have two groups) to make it visually easy to see if we can make a call at Curriculum Level 5.

Note: This should only be used for sample sizes of between 20 and 40 in each group. Read more on this at Census at School

Informal C-I

Draws the informal confidence intervals for the median as a blue line on the graph to help students make the call at Curriculum Level 7.

These are based on:

Read more on this at Census at School

C-I Limits

Displays the numbers at each end the Informal C-I lines.

C-I Highlight

Highlights above and below the informal C-I area on the graph to make it visually easier to see if they overlap.

Point Labels

Puts a number next to each of the points so you can identify which point it is in the data table.

Mean Dot

Draws a red dot on the graph where the median sits.

Stack Dots

Makes the dots all sit on top of each other in "tidy" vertical lines. This means the points may not be plotted in exactly the right location, as they are shifted slightly horizontally to allow them to stack up.


Draws vertical gridlines on the graph up from the axis

Thick Lines

Makes the thickness of the lines used to draw the dots much thicker.

Point Size

This slider allows you to set the size of the points on the graph.

Bar Graph

Data Options

CategoryThis is the variable that become the bars.
Split (Optional)This is the variable that splits the graph into multiple graphs that are stacked on top of each other.
Colour By (Optional)This is the variable that the bars are split into and are coloured by.


Shows numbers on the bars for the frequency of each group

Allow More Categories

Allows more categories to be graphed.
Note: by default the limit is 10, which doesn't work for the sum of two dice, so this allows more categories to be graphed.


Draws horizontal gridlines on the graph to more easily match the axis to the bars

100% Bar Graph

Makes all the bars 100% tall (only useful when you have used the 'Colour By' option or 'Relative Width' option)

Relative Freq.

Makes all the bars add up to 1, so shows probabilities rather than frequencies

Relative Width

Makes the bars relative widths based on their frequency (only  useful with the '100% Bar Graph' option)

Bar Graph - Summary Data

This is identical to the bar graph, except there is an extra option under the data so you can use summary data to draw the bar graph 

FrequencyThis is the number of each category.


Data Options

NumericalThis is the data that determines the buckets used on the graph.
Split (Optional)This is the variable that splits the graph into multiple graphs that are stacked on top of each other.


Shows numbers next to the histograms with summary statistics like mean and median.

High Box Plot

Draws a box and whisker graph above the histogram


Draws horizontal and vertical gridlines on the graph to more easily match the axis to the bars

Relative Freq.

Changes the scale on the left from frequency to the proportion of the data that is in each bucket.

Normal Dist.

Overlays a normal distribution onto the histogram so it can be easily compared.

Rectangular Dist.

Overlays a rectangular distribution onto the histogram so it can be easily compared.

Triangular Dist.

Overlays a triangular distribution onto the histogram so it can be easily compared.

Poisson Dist.

Overlays a poisson distribution onto the histogram so it can be easily compared.

Binomial Dist.

Overlays a binomial distribution onto the histogram so it can be easily compared.

Intervals Slider

Adjusts the number of intervals displayed in the histogram

Histogram - Summary Data

This is identical to the histogram, except there is an extra option under the data so you can use summary data to draw the bar graph 

FrequencyThis is the number of each category.

Pie Chart

Scatter Graph

Regression Line
Point Labels
Mean Dot
Quadrant Count

The Quadrant Count Ratio is a measure of association between paired numerical variables. You divide the scatter plot into 4 sections by plotting the mean point and placing a vertical and horizontal line through it.

The QCR = (Number of Points in Q1 and Q3) - (Number of points in Q2 and Q4) 
                                 (total number of points)

The QCR is always between -1 and +1, and can be converted to a percentage. If the QCR is > 20% then it suggests a positive association, and < -20% suggests a negative association.

More details on Quadrant Count Ratio and how it can be used in teaching can be found in Pip Arnold's book Statistical Investigations (page 325-326) or GAISE II (pages 60-61).

Show Ratio
Bootstrap Trendline
Stack Graphs
Invert Colours
Thick Lines
Show ID of Removed Points
Add Cust. Line 1/2/3
Show Eqn
Horizontal Error Bars:
Vertical Error Bars:

Grid Density Plot

Residuals Plot

Running Proportion

Bootstrap Single Variable

Bootstrap Confidence Interval - (Median or Mean)

Re-Randomisation - (Median or Mean)

Paired Experiment Dot Plot (and Arrows Graph)

Time Series

Time Series


Seasonal Effects


Change Log

This allows you to see a list of all the changes that have been made to NZGrapher.


This allows schools that are hosting themselves to show the current version of the site and update if there is a newer version available.